Dear customers & friends,
We hope you are staying safe and taking the necessary precautions during these uncertain times. Last Bite Mosquito and Tick Control has been deemed an essential business by The New Jersey State Department of Health.
As such we will continue to provide this essential service which will provide you peace of mind during these troubled times”
Next to Covid- 19, Mosquito and Tick-borne diseases are among the most serious threat to the residents of New Jersey. Last Bite Mosquito and Tick Control will continue to protect our clients from mosquito and tick borne diseases.
We realize that many of you will forgo travel and vacations this summer, instead choosing to enjoy time at home with your friends and family. In light of that, Last Bite is fully-staffed and equipped to make sure your at-home, backyard time is as enjoyable as possible.
Check out our specials!
Call us 866-742-4887 or visit us at Last Bite Mosquito and Tick Control